Fraud Analyst

Whether you are at a Bank or Credit Union, your job is to stop, catch, and reduce card fraud. With millions of transactions, it is exhausting to do it alone and tedious to do it manually. Our solutions help you do your job better, faster, more accurately, and with 100%  confidence.


Become proactive instead of reactive.
No more more manual data analysis
Stop guessing fraud trends and see them accurately, daily.
Finally an end to excel spreadsheet overload
No more hoping a rule you write stops fraud
No longer mass card reissuance
Know what fraud is happening at other financial institutions across the country and use it to stop fraud before it occurs in your portfolio
Minimize fraudulent test transactions

Automated fraud detection & recommendations giving you 100% confidence in your role

Receive daily reports of high risk merchant accounts in your inbox. Know exactly which merchants are high risk compared to your fraud risk models and block them

Fraud scores in real time based on your financial institutions risk profiles. Accessible anywhere in the world.

See big picture data to draft reports to show team leader where fraud is coming from and provide precise data supporting the trends, conclusions, and decisions

Write fraud rules blocking high risk merchants based on better analytics and industry intelligence.

Strategically reissue only the compromised cards and limit disruption.

Pinpoint intel you can share with your customers to educate them where to shop and help them avoid shopping in risky place

Instead of hours of manual analysis in excel, you can use fraud analytics to focus on improving the customer experience. You know with confidence you are protecting customers and the financial institution. All those projects you have wanted to do... well now you can do them.

Ready to get started?

Stop hoping to reduce fraud and get the tools that help you do your job faster while getting rid of the things you hate doing
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